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IDD Services

Alternative Family Living ( AFL)

Residential Supports provide assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, such as personal grooming and cleanliness, bed making and household chores, eating and the preparation of food, and the social and adaptive skills necessary to enable the individual to reside in a non-institutional setting. This service also provides assistance, support, supervision, and monitoring that allow individuals to participate in home or community activities. This service is distinctive in that it includes habilitation and training activities, as well as care and assistance with activities of daily living when the individual is dependent on others to ensure health and safety.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment services provide assistance, based on individual circumstances and need, to explore, seek, choose, acquire, maintain, increase and/or advance in competitive integrated employment. Supported Employment services occur in integrated environments with nondisabled individuals or is a business owned by the member. This service is available to any member ages 16 and older for whom individualized, competitive integrated employment has not been achieved, and/or has been interrupted or intermittent. Assistance with increasing or advancing in competitive integrated employment is available to members, ages 16 and older, for whom their current competitive integrated employment is insufficient in terms of meeting the member’s goals for hours worked and income earned, or is considered underemployment in that the member desires, and could reasonably be expected to achieve.


Respite services provide periodic or scheduled support and relief to the primary caregiver(s) from the responsibility and stress of caring for the member. This service also enables the individual to receive periodic support and relief from the primary caregiver(s) at his/her choice. NC Innovations respite may also be used to provide temporary relief to a member who resides in Licensed or Unlicensed AFL, but it may not be billed on the same day as Residential Supports unless it is for a member to access a summer camp or support group. This service enables the primary caregiver to meet or participate in planned or emergency events, and to have planned time for him/her and/or family members. Respite may be utilized during school hours for sickness, injury, or when a student is suspended or expelled.

Community Living and Support

Is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Supported Living

This service provides a flexible partnership that enables a NC Innovations member to live in their own home with support from an agency that provides individualized assistance in a home that is under the control and responsibility of the member. The service includes direct assistance as needed with activities of daily living, household chores essential to the health and safety of the member, budget management, attending appointments, and interpersonal and social skills building to enable the member to live in a home in the community. Training activities, supervision, and assistance may be provided to allow the member to participate in home life or community activities. Other activities include assistance with monitoring health status and physical condition, and assistance with transferring, ambulation and use of special mobility devices.

Community Networking

These services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community.

Community Living & Supports

This service is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional will assist the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the members preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase selfdetermination, and enhance the members opportunity to have full membership in their community. This service is intended to enable members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision, and assistance to complete an activity on their level of independence.

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GEORGIA 404-565-2249 | MISSISSIPI 769-243-6715| North Carolina 336 -395-0505

​© 2021 New Progressions LLC

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